CodeIgniter-4! Let’s Grab It.
What is CodeIgniter-4?
CodeIgniter-4, a PHP framework that provides a standard way to write efficient, clean, and easily understandable code. Basically it is used for creating full-featured web-based applications.
Why CodeIgniter-4 is preferable?
As we know there are some other PHP frameworks but why should we prefer using CodeIgniter-4 over other PHP frameworks? Because there are some reasons which make CodeIgniter-4 unique such as simple configuration, lightweight and efficient, a built-in security function, clear and structured documentation, fast development process, big and active community support, etc.
Installation process using XAMPP
There are several processes of installation. Here I am going to use XAMPP as an open-source cross-platform web server that contains MariaDB, PHP, and Perl. If your system doesn’t have you may download from here based on your operating system and install it. Now, download CodeIgniter-4 from the official website.

After downloading the CodeIgniter-4, Go to the htdocs folder. Let, you are installed xampp on Local disk D so you should be able to find htdocs folder on your ‘Local disk D’ under xampp folder (D:\xampp\htdocs). Now create a folder under htdocs and give it a name such as ‘codeigniter’ then paste all the extracted files from “” which downloaded before.

Open XAMPP and click the start button to activate Apache and MySQL.

Now open your browser and type: http://localhost/codeigniter/public.

Congrats! Finally, you have done it! Thank You.